Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Bits, Bites and a Big Event

The other night I was out throwing a football with my oldest son in the backyard.  We started talking about how life is not one big event, but it's made up of small bits and bites of activities that, all assembled, create the big event.

Everything in life follows this same pattern.

If you use your bits and bites to sit in front of the TV all day. It will lead to the "big event" of a mostly wasted life.

If you use those same bits and bites to practice the piano every day, exercise, paint, or read, the "big event" will be remarkably different.

But using the bits and bites effectively is only one half of the equation. You also need a general idea of what you want the "big event" to be.  Running a half-marathon. Mastering an instrument. Learning a language. Knowing this will help you know what to do with your bits and bites. 

But sometimes you don't know what the "big event" will be until you have experimented with the bits and bites. This is fine. As long as you're not experimenting all of the time watching cartoons on the couch.

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