Friday, February 5, 2010

Review: Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro 7.5

I've been a faithful user of Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro for some time now. But before I started using it, I did a lot of due diligence in identifying the right webinar tool for my needs.

  1. Flawless streaming video
  2. Customizable layouts (chat/polls/PowerPoints/whiteboards)
  3. Ability to customize the wrapper around the platform to allow for a certification system
  4. Customizable reporting
  5. Integrated VoIP

It met all of these criteria with flying colors except the last one. The VoIP constantly had feedback loops and was hard to manage. We recently were upgraded to version 7.5 which is supposed to integrate multiple teleconference carriers into the system.

I've tried it once with pretty good success. It still seems a bit clunky, compared to the integrated audio in the Citrix products, but it seems to do pretty well. I'll be spending the next week or so giving it a run for it's money with some hard core testing.

Platform Grade: A
VoIP Grade: B

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