Friday, November 18, 2011

Help to think creatively

I find that when I'm stumped by a problem at work, I need to read or see something that is completely random -- meaning it has nothing to do with the problem at hand. For some reason, it changes my brain waves and helps me think in different ways. Here is a list of some web sites that can help stir up your grey matter when you need some fresh ideas and help you think creatively:

Future Technology Portal: Crazy futuristic ideas and images
Picocool: Random images from social media and subcultures
PrintMag: Where you can read/see innovative print design. I also found this awesome video there created by Element X Creative (check out their demo reel).
Poetry Foundation: Fill your mind with new combinations of words
Dvice: Feed your technology obsession

There are a bajillion other places to visit so, if you've got others let me know and I'll add to this post.